Notes from Toppers

Force and Torque Due To Magnetic Field

1. Magnetic Force:

  • Lorentz Force

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Definition, mathematical expression (F = qvB sinθ), direction using the right-hand rule, force on a positive and negative charge.

  • Examples: Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field.

  • Magnetic Force on a Moving Charge:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key Concepts: Force experienced by a moving charge in a magnetic field, explanation using Lorentz force equation.

  • Examples: Trajectory of a charged particle in a magnetic field.

  • Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Conductor:
  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key Concept: Force acting on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, direction using Fleming’s left-hand rule.

  • Examples: Forces on a straight conductor, a circular loop.

  • Magnetic force between two current-carrying conductors:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Parallel and perpendicular conductors, attractive and repulsive forces, concept of magnetic field lines.

  • Examples: Calculation of force between various configurations.

  • Magnetic force on a Magnetic Dipole:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Magnetic dipole moment, torque experienced by a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field.

  • Examples: Potential energy of a magnetic dipole, bar magnet suspended in a magnetic field.

2. Magnetic Field:

  • Magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Biot-Savart law, mathematical expression for the magnetic field, field due to straight wire, circular loop, solenoid.

  • Examples: Calculating the magnetic field at various points.

  • ** Magnetic Field due to a Solenoid**:

  • Reference: NCERT class 12, chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Solenoid as a long coil, field inside and outside a solenoid, comparison with field due to a bar magnet.

  • Examples: Magnetic field strength inside a solenoid.

  • ** Magnetic Field due to a Toroid**:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Toroid as a coil wound in a circular fashion, field inside and outside the toroid.

  • Examples: Determination of magnetic field at the center of toroid.

  • ** Magnetic Field inside a long straight solenoid**:

  • Reference: NCERT class 12, chapter - Magnetic effects of current and magnetism.

  • Key concepts: Uniform magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid, its magnitude, and direction.

  • Examples: Calculating the field strength inside a given solenoid.

  • ** Magnetic Field due to a bar magnet**:

  • Reference: NCERT class 12, chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism.

  • Key concepts: Magnetic field lines, field pattern of a bar magnet.

  • Examples: Determining the magnetic field at various points around a bar magnet.

3. Magnetic Torque:

  • Torque on a Current loop in a magnetic field:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Torque experienced by a current loop, formula for torque (τ = NIAB sinθ), direction using the right-hand rule.

  • Examples: Calculation of torque on a rectangular coil, circular loop.

  • ** Torque on a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field**:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Magnetic dipole moment, torque experienced by a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field, direction using the right-hand rule.

  • Examples: Calculating the torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field.

  • ** Torque on a conducting rod in a magnetic field**:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Induced emf and current, Lorentz force, torque experienced by a conducting rod, direction using Fleming’s left-hand rule.

  • Examples: Calculating the torque on a conducting rod moving perpendicular to a magnetic field.

4. Applications:

  • Magnetic Levitation (maglev) Trains:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism.

  • Key concepts: Principle of magnetic levitation, use of superconducting magnets, advantages, and limitations of maglev technology.

  • Examples: Real-world maglev train systems.

  • Electric Motors and Generators:

  • References: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism.

  • Key concepts: Basic principle of an electric motor and generator, role of magnetic fields, types of motors (DC and AC), Lenz’s law, induced emf, and back emf.

  • Examples: Construction and working of simple DC motors and generators.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Basic principle of MRI, use of strong magnetic fields and radio waves, generating 3D images, applications in medicine.

  • Examples: MRI procedure and its medical significance.

  • Magnetic Compasses:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Principle of magnetic compass, Earth’s magnetic field, magnetic declination, dip angle.

  • Examples: Working and importance of magnetic compasses in navigation.

  • Magnetic Separation:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 11, Chapter - Motion in a plane

  • Key concepts: Use of magnetic fields to separate magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials, applications in industries like mining, recycling, and food processing.

  • Examples: Magnetic separation of iron ore from impurities.

5. Problem-Solving Techniques:

  • Using vector analysis to calculate forces and torques:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 11 and Class 12, Various chapters on vectors

  • Key concepts: Components of vectors, vector addition, subtraction, and cross-product, applying vector analysis to magnetic force and torque calculations.

  • Examples: Calculating the magnetic forces and torques acting on charged particles and current-carrying conductors using vector analysis.

  • Applying Right Hand Rule for Forces and Torques:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 12, Chapter - Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

  • Key concepts: Right-hand rule for determining the direction of magnetic force and torque, visualizing the directions using the thumb, fingers, and palm of the right hand.

  • Examples: Applying right-hand rules in various problems involving force and torque calculations.

  • Using superposition principle for magnetic fields:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 11 and Class 12, Various chapters on vectors

  • Key concepts: Superposition principle, calculating magnetic field due to multiple sources like current-carrying wires, solenoids, or bar magnets.

  • Examples: Calculating the total magnetic field at a given point due to multiple magnetic sources.

  • Solving numerical problems:

  • Reference: NCERT Class 11 and Class 12, chapters related to electromagnetism

  • Key concepts: Formula-based calculations involving force, torque, magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment, etc.

  • Examples: Solving numerical problems on force exerted on moving charges, torque on current loops, magnetic field strength, and magnetic dipole interactions.